Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a widely used method for setting the right goals for organisations, teams and individuals. Google is among the companies that use this. Objectives are WHAT you want to achieve, while Key Results are HOW to achieve the goals. To set the right goals, you can first ask yourself the question WHY or WHY to answer WHAT you want to achieve. The goals should be: significant, concrete, action-oriented and inspiring. Key Results should be specific & time-bound, ambitious, but realistic and measurable. Typical Key Results can be the number of users of a website or the number of members of a voluntary organisation.
Dollar Street: How to live for 10 dollar a day?
Imagine that the whole world lived in the same street and where people lived was sorted by income. The poorest on the left and the richest on the right. All the others somewhere in between. Welcome to Dollar Street.
The website Dollar Street is created by the organization Gapminder. The idea is to show what standard of living people around the world have, the dependence on family income, and how this affects how they live, what they eat and what material goods they have such as toys, toothbrushes, furniture etc. The website gives a wonderful insight into what do we mean by having different living standards.